Living on Tiptoe

Living on Tiptoe
Martha Meister Keily
"Incline thy ear to me; answer me speedily in the day when I call." Psalm 102:2
"Who has awakened in the night to hear a bell strike in the heart--and it is now too late to do what we have planned to do, for we have dallied?
The child is full grown, the friend is now gone, the harvest is now passed, the night has now come, and winter seals the door. Across the heart's dark there is a flooding light that reveals with a strange clarity the very path we missed, though we have vowed to take it on a day that passed, and the Future went that way."
If we allow these words of Jean Kenyon Mackenzie to stab us awake, they can make us aware of the urgency involved in each dawn.
It is the Christian's privilege to live each day on tiptoe, watching for the fleeting opportunities God tosses our way. Expectantly we can learn to grasp each one as it sails past. One moment it may be call to comfort a confused and frightened child, the next a signal to express appreciation and affection for one's own mate, another yet again the discipline of turning the other cheek. The opportunities which we permit to pass us by are probably gone forever, but those we snare no man can take from us.
Today work for a perfect score of catching opportunities.
Read Romans 13:11-14
Pray Infinite Father, I thank thee for the miracle of another day with its limitless possibilities. Awaken my soul and make me alert to the opportunities which come my way. Provide me with vigor and the faith to live abundantly. In the name of Christ. Amen.
Devotions for Women at Home by Martha Meister Kiely, Abingdon Press ISBN 0-687-10679-6

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