The Question of Calling

The Question of Calling
TGIF Today God Is First Volume 2, by Os Hillman

I pray also that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints? (Eph 1:18-19).

I walked up to the man and said, "Hello, my name is Os. What's yours?" His name was also Os - Os Guinness. It was the first time he had ever had such an experience. We chuckled about our unique names.

Os Guinness was named after Oswald Chambers. He has become a well-known contemporary writer and has a real interest in the subject of "calling" just as I do. He has written a masterful work entitled, "The Call." In it he shares some important truths about "calling".

"What do I mean by 'calling'? For the moment, let me say simply that "calling" is the truth that God calls us to himself so decisively that everything we are, everything we do, and everything we have is invested with a special devotion and dynamism lived out as a response to his summons and service.

There is a distinction between a later, special calling and our original, ordinary calling. Selfishness prefers the first, but stewardship respects both. A special calling refers those tasks and missions laid on individuals through a direct, specific, supernatural communication from God. Ordinary calling, on the other hand, is the believer's sense of life-purpose and life-task in response to God's primary call, 'follow me,' even when there is no direct, specific, supernatural communication from God about a secondary calling.

In other words, ordinary calling can be seen in our responsibility to exercise a high degree of 'capitalist-style' enterprise about how we live our lives. For example, the servants in Jesus' parable for the talents and pounds were assessed according to how they 'got on with it' when the master was away. In this sense no follower of Christ is without a calling, for we all have an original calling even if we do not all have a later, special calling. And, of course, some people have both."*

We are all called to Someone first, then something. As we grow in our knowledge and obedience to Christ, God fulfills our calling in life.

Today's Prayer

Heavenly Father, I pray for teens and for adults who may be trying to live in "Never, never land" and not grow up, that you would guide them to become mature, to remain or become pure, and to serve You in daily life and ministry. I pray for the proper nurturing environment and spiritual enlightenment to come their way. May they grow stronger in their faith each and every day, and may that faith always be in You, "Abba" Father. In Jesus' name, Amen.

This song is from Brooke Fraser's "Albertine" CD.

There is comfort in the knowledge that God

never lets His children out of His reach.

Jesus, who has left Heaven's throne to save us for Himself,

is calling for you!


Andrea said...

Joining you in prayer for all those who need to grow up. This seems to be a prevalent problem, today.
Blessings, andrea

Heart2Heart said...


How interesting that this became the very subject that my husband and I discussed yesterday it the next generation that is rising up and preparing to take on the roles of adults. May they all be prayed for that God will direct them on His paths and show them His purpose for them in His will.

Love and Hugs ~ Kat

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