He Is Risen!

Easter Joy
Mary Crowell

The garden listened in the stillness
Where bloomed the lilies pearled with dew;
The eastern sky glowed softly bright
As fragrantly the zephyrs blew.

Suddenly the dawn was startled
By an earthquake's mighty roar,
And an angle's hands were moving
The stone before the door.

He is not here! He is risen!
Sweetest music to their ears.
The women hastened with the message
That had scattered all their fears.

And the glad words still are sounding,
Wafted on joy's golden wings . . .
Christ is risen! He is living!
Through all time the echo rings.

The Resurrection - No Room for Neutrality
Love Worth Finding with Pastor Adrian Rogers

"He is not here: for He is risen."

Matthew 28:6

It is a disturbing truth that Jesus Christ literally came out of the grave.

You just can't be neutral about the resurrection. If you are a thinking person, you're going to have to face the fact of the resurrection. Either it is true or it is not true. Either He came out of that grave or He did not.

Now which side are you on?

You can't simply say, "It doesn't really make any difference. Let's just put our arms around everybody. We all believe the same thing." No, no, no! When you take a stand for truth, you're going to have a head-on collision with the darkness that doesn't want the light shining in!

* Pray for those in fulltime ministry as they proclaim the truth to a lost world.

* Pray for God's protection as they go to the frontline and battle for souls!

Matt Maher - Christ is Risen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Charlotte

I Hope You and Your Family have a
Blessed Resurrection Sunday

God Bless You, Ron


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