Enjoying the Fullness of Your Inheritance
Bayless Conley
In Galatians 4:1-5, the apostle Paul helps us understand what it means to be part of God's family,
Now I say that the heir, as long as he is a child, does not differ at all from a slave, though he is master of all, but is under guardians and stewards until the time appointed by the father. Even so we, when we were children, were in bondage under the elements of the world. But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, that we might receive the adoption as sons.
Adoption in Roman society was very different from adoption today. When a flesh and blood son reached the age of maturity, he was "adopted" into his own family. Until that time, he was considered a child, and he was under the tutelage of a household slave.
We are heirs because of adoption. What does this mean? It means that God is well pleased when we assume our place as mature sons of God, exercising our authority and enjoying the fullness of our inheritance. But most Christians don't do this.
Not long ago, I learned about a particular website that can tell you if you have any money anywhere that you don't know about. There are literally hundreds of millions of dollars sitting unused in trust funds or accounts that people don't know about.
A lot of Christians operate this way. They have this incredible inheritance that belongs to them, this incredible authority that has been given to them, and they are unaware of it. And, friend, that does not bring pleasure to God.
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Psalm 125
God Protects Those Who Trust Him
God Protects Those Who Trust Him
Those who trust the Lord are like Mount Zion,
which sits unmoved forever.
As the mountains surround Jerusalem,
the Lord surrounds his people
now and forever.
The wicked will not rule
over those who do right.
If they did, the people who do right
might use their power to do evil.
Lord, be good to those who are good,
whose hearts are honest.
But, Lord, when you remove those who do evil,
also remove those who stop following you.
Let there be peace in Israel. Lord.
Psalm 126
Lord, Bring Your People Back
When the Lord brought the prisoners back to
it seemed as if we were dreaming.
Then we were filled with laughter,
and we sang happy songs.
Then the other nations said,
"The Lord has done great things for them."
The Lord has done great things for us,
and we are very glad.
Lord, return our prisoners again,
as you bring streams to the desert.
Those who cry as they plant crops
will sing at harvest time.
Those who cry
as they carry out the seeds
will return singing
and carrying bundles of grain.
SITUATION God rescues the Israelites from their enemies. Although the odds were against God's people, he saved them.
OBSERVATION We should not seek strength in weapons, economic might, or political strength. Real power comes from God.
INSPIRATION God has done everything to bring your salvation; you can add nothing to what He has done. He has shown us the vision of the coming storm to give advance notice of the judgment so that that we can flee from His wrath and come to Him. If you wish to be saved and go to heaven, you can, by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Jesus Christ rose from the dead to be alive and because He can be everywhere at once, He is right there where you're reading. All you have to do is take Him, receive Him, accept Him personally into your heart as your Lord and Savior . . .
What more could you desire, ask, or ever hope for than that grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you forever? (From Storm Warnings by Billy Graham)
READ Psalm 124:1-127:5
APPLICATION How do you relieve stress? Do you take a nap, reach for a drink, read a book, or play a round of golf? Put a bookmark in this psalm. When you feel swamped with problems, call on a friend to help you avoid inappropriate ways to relieve stress. Review this psalm when you feel pressured. The face the problem with God's help.
EXPLORATION Deliverance-- Exodus 12:17; 23; 14:21-31; Judges 4:3; Mark 4:38-40.
The Devotional Bible - Experiencing the Heart of Jesus, Max Lucado General Editor, Thomas Nelson Publishers, New Century Version.
Then we were filled with laughter,
and we sang happy songs.
Then the other nations said,
"The Lord has done great things for them."
The Lord has done great things for us,
and we are very glad.
Lord, return our prisoners again,
as you bring streams to the desert.
Those who cry as they plant crops
will sing at harvest time.
Those who cry
as they carry out the seeds
will return singing
and carrying bundles of grain.
God Protects Those Who Trust Him
Billy Graham
SITUATION God rescues the Israelites from their enemies. Although the odds were against God's people, he saved them.
OBSERVATION We should not seek strength in weapons, economic might, or political strength. Real power comes from God.
INSPIRATION God has done everything to bring your salvation; you can add nothing to what He has done. He has shown us the vision of the coming storm to give advance notice of the judgment so that that we can flee from His wrath and come to Him. If you wish to be saved and go to heaven, you can, by believing in the Lord Jesus Christ as your Savior.
Jesus Christ rose from the dead to be alive and because He can be everywhere at once, He is right there where you're reading. All you have to do is take Him, receive Him, accept Him personally into your heart as your Lord and Savior . . .
What more could you desire, ask, or ever hope for than that grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you forever? (From Storm Warnings by Billy Graham)
READ Psalm 124:1-127:5
APPLICATION How do you relieve stress? Do you take a nap, reach for a drink, read a book, or play a round of golf? Put a bookmark in this psalm. When you feel swamped with problems, call on a friend to help you avoid inappropriate ways to relieve stress. Review this psalm when you feel pressured. The face the problem with God's help.
EXPLORATION Deliverance-- Exodus 12:17; 23; 14:21-31; Judges 4:3; Mark 4:38-40.
The Devotional Bible - Experiencing the Heart of Jesus, Max Lucado General Editor, Thomas Nelson Publishers, New Century Version.
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