The Nature of Faith

The Nature of Faith
Bayless Conley

In our last devotional, we talked about how important faith is to pleasing God. It is not just important, it's essential, because without it, you and I cannot please God.

The natural question is, "What is faith?"

In Hebrews 11:1, the writer gives us the technical definition of biblical faith,

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

Faith deals with unseen reality. In fact, Weymouth's translation says, "Faith is a conviction of the reality of things we do not see."

You might think, "That's a nice definition, but what does that really mean?" That is a good question. And it is answered by the examples given in Hebrews 11, which show different ways people expressed their faith in God, because there is not just one way to demonstrate faith in God:

Abel shows us that faith is giving our best to God. He deserves our first and our best.
Enoch shows us that faith is walking with God. It is living a life in constant connection with God, even when you can't sense or feel Him.

Noah shows us that faith is making preparations as though Christ is coming back today, even when there is seemingly no evidence.

Abraham shows us that faith is obeying God, even though you may not know where He is leading you.

Sarah shows us that faith is receiving God's promise, even when public opinion says, "No way!"

Moses shows us that faith is living life in light of eternity, and allowing that focus to affect all of life's decisions.

Commit today to live this life of faith. If you do, you will truly please God!

Visit the Answers with Bayless Conley website for more ways to Connect with God

June 4/5
God Is Speaking to You
Dr. Charles Stanley

 Psalm 85:8

Our concept of God determines how we relate to Him. Those who see Him as distant and impersonal may be surprised to know He “speaks” personally to everyone—even to those who deny His existence. Since He wants us to know Him and have a personal relationship with Him, He continually seeks to communicate with us. But without hearing His voice audibly, many people are unaware of Him. Even Christians can develop insensitive spiritual ears.

For those who are willing to hear, God’s voice can be discerned through a variety of sources. The most obvious one is the Bible, but He can also call to us through the spoken or written words of other believers. He even speaks through circumstances and the wonders of His creation. I think we would all be amazed if we knew how many different ways our loving heavenly Father tries to get our attention.

He calls with a quiet voice that speaks into our hearts and minds. Although His words can be directed to a crowd, He has a specific, individualized message for each person. That’s why two people can hear the same sermon or read the same verses yet come away with two different applications of the message. God doesn’t dish out generalities; He communicates specific ideas meant just for you.

Busyness is a big hindrances to receptivity. When our lives are filled with the clamor of this world, God’s quiet voice can’t be heard. Set aside time today to listen for His call, consider what He’s saying through your circumstances, and respond in gratitude because He delights to speak with you.

For more biblical teaching and resources from Dr. Charles Stanley, please visit

God Of My Everything - Bebo Norman

A song that really speaks to me that reminds me God is in control and He never lets go. He is God in the good times as well as the bad times. - Kool Christian Girl

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