The Call To Walk By Revelation


The Call To Walk By Revelation

by Glenn H. Jackson

*       I have called "all" of My children to speak and act by "revelation" - and not "mental ascent" [the mind of the flesh].

*       Walk by revelation and not by "sight"! I expect nothing more; I accept nothing less!

*       My people must understand that walking by faith and walking by revelation are one and the same thing! 

"mental ascension"- the reaching out ["up"] to understand the Word [Will] of God in one's "own" [soulish] strength and understanding [intellect];

        ...."Lean on, trust in, and be confident in the Lord with all your heart and mind and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. In all your ways know, recognize, and acknowledge Him, and He will direct and make straight and plain your paths".... Proverbs 3:5-6 The Amplified Translation

        The final confirmation as to whether one is "mentally ascending" to the Word [Will]of God [reaching out in one's own soulish strength and understanding in the pursuit of their own desires] or seeking God from a pure heart [godly desire] and, thus, receiving revelation from the Throne Room always comes through the Holy Spirit confirming the Word with other portions of the Word, and through a supernatural peace that manifests in a divine assurance in the very core of one's being.

       The Enemy does everything he can to try and convince us [through outward circumstances and pressures] that what the Holy Spirit has revealed to our heart was just a figment of our imagination. Many times I have received revelation in the presence of the Lord but once I got out into the daily routine - or in the midst of those who were carrying around unbelief, fear etc. - the Enemy immediately tried to convince me that it was not really a revelation from God. This is one reason why it is so important to write down or record in some way anything we receive when we are "clearly" in the presence of the Lord.

        As "revelation"  it is of the utmost importance for each and every child of God, truly seeking the Father's highest purpose for their life and ministry, to position themselves in such closeness to the Father and Jesus throughout the day that ALL that they say and do will find its origin and empowerment in the Holy Spirit - Who is the Spirit of wisdom and revelation.

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Find out with guest Jonathan Cahn on the show Christ in Prophecy.

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