Pride versus Humility

"The pride of your heart has deceived you."
Obadiah 3

"Vainglory is a love of our own excellence. Vainglory gives birth to self-exaltation, pride, arrogance, contention, affront, contempt, presumption, disobedience, irreverence, and very often to factions, the worst of plagues. To avoid these things, we must glory in the Lord and not in ourselves." -John Trithemius, Rule
"Have a humble and submissive heart. Acknowledge your nothingness, your weakness and lack of power. Acknowledge your ingratitude toward God, your wickedness and vileness...Attribute to the mercy and kindness of God whatever good you have and do; in this seek not your own praise and glory but God's...Forgive from your heart every offense of those who trouble you or injure you." Louis De Blois, Spiritual Mirror
"Essential Monastic Wisdom." Edited and translated by Hugh Feiss, Harper San Francisco, ISBN# 0-06-062483-3

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